Sleep studies in southern New Hampshire

At Appledore Medical Group, we understand the importance of a good night's rest. With benefits such as reduced stress and increased immune function, it becomes even more important to identify the sources of sleep issues when sleep becomes interrupted.

Our sleep specialists can diagnose and treat your sleep problem, to help you get the sleep you need.

Before visiting one of our locations that offers care for sleep disorders, please view our patient health forms.

When should I see a sleep specialist?

Often times, sleep problems present as symptoms you can identify yourself. In order to determine whether you may need to see a sleep specialist, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you snore loudly?
  • Do you feel constantly sleepy during the day?
  • Do you have trouble falling asleep at night?
  • Do you awaken often during the night?
  • Do you experience leg pain during the night?
  • Do you kick and thrash while asleep?
  • Do you awaken suddenly gasping for breath?
  • Do you get morning headaches?
  • Do you feel your body going limp when you are angry or surprised?
  • Do you experience vivid, dreamlike scenes upon falling asleep or awakening?
  • Do you awaken with heartburn, coughing or wheezing?

Sleep disorders we diagnose and treat

Our sleep specialists offer treatment for a variety of sleep disorders, including:

  • Excessive snoring—Snoring is considered excessive when it increases in volume and causes awakening during the night.
  • Excessive daytime sleepiness—Excessive daytime sleepiness involves a persistent drowsy feeling as well as a general lack of energy, even after a full night's rest.
  • Insomnia—Insomnia involves difficulty with falling asleep, staying asleep or getting quality sleep.
  • Restless leg syndrome—Restless leg syndrome involves the urge to move your legs, especially while you are sleeping, which often disrupts sleep.
  • Sleep apnea—Sleep apnea is described as having brief stops in breathing, or shallow breathing during sleep.
  • Sleep disruption due to pulmonary conditions—Sometimes, sleep issues can be related to pulmonary conditions, such as a persistent cough or bronchitis, which may disrupt sleep.

Sleep study services

Should one of our sleep physicians feel you need additional testing, they may refer you to a sleep center to undergo a sleep study. Sleep studies are simple, painless and effective ways to diagnose sleep disorders, most of which can be performed as an outpatient procedure.

During a sleep study, sleep specialists will aim to monitor things like nighttime sleep stages, respiratory airflow and leg movements. This can help further diagnose a patient's symptoms.